Motul 3000 4T Plus review

motul-3000-4t-plus-engine-oil Recently I started using Motul 3000 4T Plus motorcycle engine oil in my motorcycle, as an alternative to Petronas Sprinta 4T 2000 engine oil, availability of which has become somewhat of an issue these days.

Biggest thing which impressed me about the Motul 3000 4T Plus, as soon as I saw the engine oil bottle was its specifications, which was a nice 15w50 API SM JASO MA2. Frankly speaking, this was the first time I saw 15w50 mineral engine oil, as this rating is normally found in semi-synthetic engine oils and thankfully I got a chance to test it in slightly cold climate of Himachal Pradesh and that too at a nice enough altitude of around 9000ft at Shoja, where my bike started in the morning at slight press of the self start button.


Apart from this, gear changes for the majority of the duration of the trip were quite smooth and even while riding in the hot plains of North India at 90+ kmph or while negotiating traffic snarls, engine as well as gear box remained relatively smooth and there was no sign of overheating.

Leading me to believe that this is a good replacement for the Petronas Sprinta 4T 2000 and for a price of Rs. 230 a liter, not really an expensive proposition either!

Of course one can also buy its more expensive counterpart, Motul 5100 4T, which is a semi-synthetic motorcycle engine oil and review of which would be posted soon, along with a comparison between the Motul 5100 and 3000.


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